Why use agricultural drones?

So, what can drones do for agriculture? The answer to this question comes down to overall efficiency gains, but drones are so much more than that. As drones become an integral part of smart (or “precision”) agriculture, they can help farmers meet a variety of challenges and reap substantial benefits.

Much of these benefits come from removing any guesswork and reducing uncertainty. The success of farming is often dependent on a variety of factors, and farmers have little or no control over weather and soil conditions, temperature, precipitation, etc. The key to efficiency is their ability to adapt, which is largely affected by the availability of accurate near real-time information.

Here, the use of drone technology can be a real game-changer. With access to vast amounts of data, farmers can increase crop yields, save time, reduce expenses and act with unmatched accuracy and precision.

The world as we know it today is fast-paced: changes, alterations and transformations happen almost in the blink of an eye. Adaptation is critical, and given population growth and global climate change, farmers will be required to take advantage of next-generation technologies to address emerging challenges.
Application of pesticides and fertilizers by drones is becoming feasible as the payload capacity of drones increases. Drones can reach areas that people can’t go to, potentially saving crops throughout the season.
Drones are also filling human resource vacancies as the agricultural population is ageing or switching to other occupations, the report said. A speaker said at the forum that drones are 20 to 30 times more efficient than humans.
Due to the vast area of ​​farmland, we call for more agricultural work with drones. Unlike U.S. farmland, which is flat and easily accessible, much of China’s farmland is often located in remote plateau areas that tractors can’t reach, but drones can.
Drones are also more precise in applying agricultural inputs. Using drones will not only help increase yields, but save farmers money, reduce their exposure to chemicals, and help protect the environment. On average, Chinese farmers use much more pesticides than farmers in other countries. Drones can reportedly cut pesticide usage in half.
In addition to agriculture, sectors such as forestry and fishing will also benefit from the use of drones. Drones can deliver information about the health of orchards, wildlife ecosystems and remote marine bioregions.
Developing cutting-edge technology is a step in China’s efforts to make agriculture more tech-intensive, but the solution must also be affordable and practical for farmers. For us, it’s not enough to just provide a product. We need to provide solutions. Farmers are not experts, they need something simple and clear. ”


Post time: Sep-03-2022